New York State - Vital Record Retrieval Guide

September 26, 2023
5 min read

Procurement of Vital Records New York State

Certified Copy of Birth & Death Certificates

Who is eligible to get a copy of a death certificate?

  • The spouse, parent, child or sibling of the deceased
  • Other people who have a:
  • documented lawful right or claim
  • documented medical need
  • New York State Court Order

If you are not the spouse, parent, child or sibling of the deceased you must document a lawful right or claim. For example, you may need a death certificate to claim a benefit. You would need an official letter from the agency saying you need the death record to process the claim.

Who is eligible to get a copy of a birth certificate?

  • The person named on the birth certificate.
  • A parent of the person named on the birth certificate. The requesting parent's name must be on the birth certificate.
  • A spouse, child or others, but only by order of a New York State court.

Identification Requirements

Application must be submitted with copies of either A or B:

  • One (1) of the following forms of valid photo-ID:
  • Driver license
  • State issued non-driver photo-ID card
  • Passport
  • U.S. Military issued photo-ID

  • Two (2) of the following showing the applicant's name and address:
  • Utility or telephone bills
  • Letter from a government agency dated within the last six (6) months

Certified Copy of Birth & Death Certificates


Order from this Website :  Birth Certificates - New York State Department of Health (

Office in Charge:

Vital Records has birth records (since 1881) for all of New York State except New York City. It does not have these records for New York City (the boroughs of Manhattan, Kings (Brooklyn), Queens, Bronx, and Richmond (Staten Island)).

Ordering Certified Copies of Birth Certificates: Recommended

How do you order:

There are three  routes to applying for a Birth or Death Certificate:

  1. Internet or telephone requests
  • Time Frame:  Birth & Death Certificate: 5-10 Business Days
  • Cost: $68.50
  • receive priority handling and are processed within five (5) to ten (10) business days of receipt. The cost is $45.00 per copy ordered plus $8.00 (per transaction) vendor processing fee. If you chose to have the copy returned to you by UPS overnight delivery, there is an additional UPS fee of $15.50.

  1. Mail requests PRIORITY
  • Time Frame: Birth & Death Certificates: 2-4 Weeks
  • Cost: $45.00
  • ordered with priority handling ($45.00 per copy ordered) are currently processed within two (2) to four (4) weeks from when they are received. Submitting the application to the Vital Records Processing Center by overnight delivery is recommended. Completed requests will be returned by first class mail unless a prepaid return mailer for overnight delivery is provided with the request.
  • Cost: $45 Certificate fee + $8 processing fee + $15.50 Shipping (if UPS)
  • It is recommended to order Certified Copies of VItal Records.

VitalChek (Online and Phone Orders available):

The New York State Department of Health does not accept credit cards or online orders for vital records. However, for your convenience, you can process on-line requests through VitalChek Network, Inc., an independent company that they have partnered with in order to provide this service. VitalChek can be reached either through its website,, or by phone at 1-877-854-4481.


VitalChek Processing Charge - $8.00 per transaction and includes all certificate copies requested.

  • UPS Return Delivery Charge (optional) - $15.50 per transaction to destinations within the continental United States; call VitalChek at 1-877-854-4481 for rates to other destinations.
  • Certified Copy Fee (Priority Handling) - Internet and telephone requests receive priority handling. The $45.00 fee for each certified copy of a birth, marriage, death or divorce certificate requested includes a $15.00 (per copy) priority handling fee.

Note: You must use your own major credit card

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