Mobility assets grant valuable international settlement rights

The most important new asset class since digital assets were introduced by
Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008.


Lack of settlement rights

Digital nomad visas

Temporary residency rights (i.e. 12 months)

Permanent Residency

Residency rights are permanent (i.e. renewable every 10 years)

Dual Citizenship

Citizenship rights
last lifetime

The Mobility Asset Report

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Global mobility assets

Introducing a new asset class tailor-madefor the 2020’s and beyond

European Ancestry Solutions

Based on direct ancestral
ties to Europe

Live & Work Abroad Solutions

Based on entrepreneurial ambitions, professional
background financial wherewithal

Residency Backup Plan Solutions

Based on passive investment real estate
or donations to local governments

Massive growth potential

A rapidly emerging new asset class

Mobility assets are a mere fraction the size of similar un-securitized private asset classes.

Highly-vetted, local expertise

Global network of experienced legal,
tax and financial partners

Over the last decade, we've built relationships with leading practitioners and
subject-matter experts in dozens of markets around the world.

Law Firms


Genealogy |
Local Records




Tax Advisory


Take our free
5-minute assessment

Learn about the ideal residency or
citizenship program for you and your family

Mobility assets provide unique advantage, especially given the times we live in

Secure a Peaceful Retreat from Global Instability

Safeguard your lifestyle against unforeseen global shifts with the stability and peace of mind EU citizenship provides.

Quality of life enhancement

Enriched exposure from new cultures, cuisine and languages.


Diversify exposure to USD-only assets.

Access new

Unlock new realms of investment in property and crypto previously beyond reach for U.S. citizens through alternate residency and dual citizenship rights.


Working abroad exposes you to innovative business approaches, broadening your professional horizons.

Reduce cost
of living

Healthcare and housing costs, in particular.

A must-have insurance policy

How do I mitigate “single-country residency”risks in these unprecedentedly volatile times?

Dual citizenship planning is an important new aspect of sound financial planning in the post-pandemic era.

A must-have insurance policy

We help our members carefully select and maintain a portfolio of “mobility assets”- alternate citizenships and residency permits- to guarantee their access to safe, vibrant destinations abroad

The World's First Global Mobility Asset Platform


Advised American families


International Residency/Citizenship Programs





EU citizenship made simple

Eliminate frustration, uncertainty and high fees

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